Improved Clinch Knot

The Improved Clinch Knot is used for line to hook or line to lure connections.

Run end of line through the eye of your hook.
Loop the line back under itself.
Make five twists with this line over itself.
Run the end of the line back through the loop next to the hook.
Run the line back through the loop you just created when looping the line back through the loop next to the hook.
Moisten knot and pull tight.

Slide knot back down snug against the hook and trim the tag end.


Loop Knot

Fishing Loop Knot Step 1

Used for line to hook or line to lure connections where a loop is required (usually in situations where angler wants bait or lure to have more movement)

Make an overhand knot several inches from the end of the line, then thread the line through the hook eye.

Run the line back through the overhand knot.                                                                                                               

Wrap the end of the line around the line in front of the overhand knot four (4) times.                                                   

Run the end of the lineback through the overhand knot and make final adjustments to the loop size.                           

Pull tight.                                                                                                                                                                           

Clip off extra line.

 Fishing Loop Knot Step 1  Fishing Loop Knot 2  Fishing Loop Knot 3
 Fishing Loop Knot 4  Fishing Loop Knot 5  Fishing loop Knot 6

Palomer Knot

Used when tying heavier leader material to larger hooks (size 6/0 and up).

Make a loop with your leader.
Pass this loop through the eye of your hook.
Bring this loop around and under your leader material.
Pull it back through to complete an overhand knot.
Take your hook and run it through the loop at the end of your leader.
Start to tighten down on the knot, moisten and finish tightening.
Trim the tag end.